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     Monday, January 9, 2012

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 Partners for Climate Protection Achievement       




B.           MINUTES



 B1.          Regular Council Meeting held December 12, 2011       




 C1.         Canadian Home Builders' Association of Northern BC - City Partnership with Energy Fair April 27 - 29, 2012



 C2.         Prince George Crime Stoppers - Yearly Report to Council




D.            CONSENT AGENDA - REPORTS FOR INFORMATION ONLY (Motion to Receive all items in Consent Agenda)



 D1.         City of Prince George Completes the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Partners for Climate Protection Milestones


 D2.         Response to Delegation - Mike Smith       




 D3.         ICBC 2011 Road Improvement Program Project Update       



 D4.         Prince George Air Improvement Roundtable Next Steps Regarding Information on CN Rail's Container Terminal       





E.            HEARINGS - COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M.

1.       Information from administration

2.       Presentation by applicant

3.       Presentations by members of gallery

4.       Resolution on granting of permit



 E1.         Variance Permit Application No. VP100250 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)


               APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Limited for Fair Value Homes Ltd.

               LOCATION: 9841 Milwaukee Way



               Location and Existing Zoning Map




1.       Information from administration

2.       Presentation by applicant

3.       Presentations by members of gallery

4.       Closure of hearing

5.       Third reading of bylaw (if appropriate)


F1.          Staff Report - Proposed Amendment to the City of Prince George Vehicles for Hire Bylaw No. 7853, 2007  (For Information Only)



                8391 - City of Prince George Vehicles for Hire Bylaw No. 7853, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8391, 2011   (Third Reading)




               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



1.       Information from administration

2.       Presentation by applicant

3.       Presentations by members of gallery

4.       Closure of hearing

5.       Third reading of bylaw (if appropriate)



F2.          Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100398   (For Information Only)


               APPLICANT: Mark McVey

               LOCATION: 370 Burden Street


               Location and Existing Zoning Map




               8394 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8394, 2011   (Third Reading)



G.            OTHER HEARINGS

1.       Information from administration

2.       Presentation by applicant

3.       Resolution on reconsideration



 G1.         Development Approval Information Reconsideration Request from Lee Sexsmith for Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100393


               - Presentation from Dan Milburn


               - Staff Report from Dan Milburn dated December 4, 2011


               - Email from Dave McDougall, M.Eng., GeoNorth Engineering Ltd dated December 16, 2011


               - Location and Existing Zoning Plan



               - Applicant's correspondence package


               - Email from Applicant dated December 25, 2011 with photographs



H.           REPORTS





 H1.         Core Services Review Project





 H2.          Prince George 2015 Canada Winter Games Host Society - Update       



                - PowerPoint Presentation       


 H3.         CN Centre Alcohol Expansion - Pilot Project


 H4.          Feasibility Assessment - Community Recreation Facility       







 H5.         Staff Report - Official Community Plan Application No. CP100068 and CP100069, and Rezoning Application No. RZ100391 and RZ100395   (Motion to Approve Recommendation)


               APPLICANT: City of Prince George

               LOCATION: 2833 Recreation Place and 2909 Recplace Drive  

               APPLICANT: City of Prince George for Prince George Golf and Curling Club

               LOCATION: 2515, 2540, and 2544 Recreation Place  



               Location and Existing Zoning Map for 2833 Recreation Place and 2909 Recplace Drive 



               Location and Existing Zoning Map for 2515, 2540, and 2544 Recreation Place 



 H6.         8399 - City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7281, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 8399, 2012 (First Two Readings) 


 H7.          8400 - City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7281, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 8400, 2012 (First Two Readings) 



 H8.           8369 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8369, 2012 (First Two Readings) 


 H9.           8379 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8379, 2012 (First Two Readings) 



 I1.            8396 - Prince George Athletic Commission Bylaw No. 7952, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8396, 2011 (Final Reading and Adoption)  





 J1.         Council Member Travel Expense Summary Reports       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J2.         City of Williams Lake - Congratulations on Successful Election       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J3.         City of Fort St. John - Invitation to Compete in the High on Ice Festival Mayor's Ice Carving Challenge, January 14, 2012       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J4.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Highlights of the November 24-25, 2011Executive Meeting       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J5.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Update: RCMP Contract Negotiations       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J6.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - RCMP Contract Management Committee: Appointments       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J7.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - RCMP Contract: Technical Briefing Sessions       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J8.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - UBCM Membership       

                            (Referred to the Mayor's Office for action)       



 J9.         Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Packaging & Printed Paper Working Group       

                            (Received and filed)       


 J10.       Union of British Columbia Municipalities - BC Police & Crime Data       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J11.       Union of British Columbia Municipalities - 2012 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative Program & Application Guides Available - Upcoming Application Deadline       

                            (Referred to the Director of Planning and Development for action)       



 J12.       Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Nominations: UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group       

                            (Received and filed)       


 J13.       Local Government Program Services - December 8th letter re: Completion of Operationa Fuel Management Project (3 Municipal Sites, 2009)       

                            (Received and filed)       




 J14.       Local Government Program Services - December 19th letter re: Completion of Operational Fuel Management Project (3 Municipal Sites, 2009)       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J15.       Local Government Program Services - Completion of Fuel Management Treatment (M8 Parkridge Creek, 2010)       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J16.       North Central Local Government Association - Resolution Submission Deadline: March 2nd 2012       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J17.       Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Congratulations on Achieving Milestones 4 and 5 of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J18.       BC Community Living Action Group (BC-CLAG) - Requesting a Resolution Urging the Province to take Decisive Action to End BC's Community Living Crisis       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J19.       Prince George Metis Housing Society - Permissive Property Tax Exemption - 2012       

                            (Referred to the Finance and Audit Committee)       



 J20.       Omineca Beetle Action Coalition - Members' Quick Notes December 19, 2011       

                            (Received and filed)       


 J21.        Resources North Association - Introducting of Resources North Association Initiatives       

                            (Received and writer advised)       



 J22.       Royal Canadian Mounted Police "E" Division - Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Crime Prevention & Program Support Services       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J23.       Carole L'Heureux - Snow Removal Crews Do a Great Job       

                            (Received and writer advised)       



 J24.       James and Ellen Loughery - Appreciation for Reconsidering Planned Logging of the Ferguson Lake Community Forest       

                            (Received and writer advised)       



 J25.        Pat Flack - Comments on Core Review and Utility Increases       

                            (Received and writer advised)       



 J26.       Canadian Home Builders' Association of Northern BC - Formation of Select Committee on Business       

                            (Received and writer advsied)       



 J27.       Northern British Columbia Tourism Association - Congratulations on Election Wins and Introduction to the Association       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J28.       Cran Campbell - Racism and Hatred       

                            (Received and writer advised)       



 J29.       Spectra Energy - Congratulations on Electoral Victory and Introduction of Spectra Energy       

                            (Received and filed)       



 J30.       Petition from 56 Individuals re: Create Genuine Dog Exercise Areas       

                            (Received and filed)       
