Economic Development Committee Agenda
January 17, 2012; 2:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Amended Interlocal Agreements with the City of Green Cove Springs and the Town of Penney Farms. These agreements will allow the Clay County Building Department to provide Building Official services, plans review and inspection services to those municipalities at a cost of $35 per service.  Funding Source: Revenue
2. Proposed change to the land development code to incorporate indoor shooting ranges into the BB-2 zoning district as a conditional use.
  Staff is proposing a change to the code following the receipt of a rezoning application from BB-2 to BB-5 for the specific use of an indoor shooting range. While Staff was able to support the development of an indoor shooting range at the proposed location, a rezoning to the BB-5 district would allow uses which are not compatible with the location's surrounding area. Consequently, Staff was prepared to recommend denial of the rezoning. Consideration of the rezoning application generated discussions regarding the appropriateness of allowing indoor shooting ranges in the BB-2 district, which currently includes several recreational uses. After serious deliberation, Staff concluded that the indoor shooting range use is not disimilar to uses currently allowed within in the BB-2 district, and therefore is proposing this change to the code.
3. Proposed minor changes to Chapter 12 Article III of the Clay County Code for Roadside Solicitations.
Staff is proposing minor changes to Chapter 12, Article III, of the Clay County Code. The purpose in these changes is to define specific verbiage for signage so that motorist will be advised as to whom are soliciting funds and those solicitation activities will be located within 500 feet. The second proposed change is to incorporate language that the County Manager may revoke permission to solicit if the solicitors violate the terms of their application and the ordinance. The final change was proposed by the County Attorney to amend the penalty section of the code to become consistent with similar ordinance penalties.
4. Proposed Amendment to the Land Development Code to add Solar Farms as a Conditional Use.
  Staff has been directed by the County Manager add Solar Farms as an allowable use in the Land Development Code. As facilities which convert solar energy into a consumable form of energy on a commercial scale, Solar Farms have been developed around the United States in recent years. After researching the codes of jurisdictions around the United States, as well as the literature of the American Planning Association, Staff has prepared an ordinance to add the use.  Solar Farms are proposed to be added as a conditional use in the AG and IB Zoning Districts, as well as the Branan Field Activity Center. Included in the proposed ordinance are development standards to address compatibility issues with surrounding properties.
5. Economic Development Discussion