Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
February 1, 2010; 2:00 p.m.



1.   Approval of State Aid to Libraries Grant Award Notification for FY 2009/2010.
(A. Weeks)
2.   Funding Increase for First Coast No More Homeless Pets (FCNMHP) project.
(G. Flakes)
3.   Approval of Budget Amendment #10-084 and Resolution to record unanticipated revenue in the amount of $93,732.00. The funds are to be used by the Clay County Sheriff's Office to reduce crime and improve public safety.
Funding Source: 102-102-331220
(K. Zebraski)
4.   Approval of Budget Amendment #10-085 and Resolution to record unanticipated revenue in the amount of $44,754.36. The funds are to be used by the Clay County Sheriff's Office for investigative overtime for abducted/murdered child.
Funding Source: 102-102-331220
(K. Zebraski)
5.   Approval of Budget Amendment #10-088 and Resolution to to record unanticipated revenue in the amount of $43,863.00. The funds are to be used by the Emergency Management Division to shelter retrofit Lake Asbury Elementary School by installing shutters on Building #5.
Funding Source: 001-001-334200
(K. Zebraski)
6.   Approval of FY09/10 Mid-Year True Up.
Funding Sources: Various
(K. Zebraski)
7.   Approval to post notice of intent and to award Bid #09/10-8, Crushed Concrete Material for Road Base, to Dream Finders as the primary vendor and SET Materials, Inc. as the secondary vendor to provide crushed concrete materials. Approval will be effective after 72 hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received. Submittals are available for review in the Purchasing Department.
Funding Source: 101-3701-553000, 101-3701-546100, 305-6005-563000
(K. Thomas)
8.   Approval of a Federally Funded Sub-grant Agreement for Emergency Management funding from the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, in the amount of $10,000 to enhance the current CERT Program.
(B. Johns)
9.   Approval of Lease Agreement with the Clay County Fair Association, Inc. to restate and amend the stipulations for the use of the properties described in the lease.
Funding Source: NA
(B. Johns)