Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
February 16, 2010; 2:00 p.m.



1.   Approval to establish a Friends of the Archives account.
(F. Behring)
2.   Approval of Budget Amendment #10-096 and Resolution in the amount of $10,000.00 to record unanticipated revenue from the United States Marshals Service, Federal Asset Forfeiture Fund. The Clay County Sheriff's Office will use the funds for investigative overtime for abducted/murdered child.
Funding Source: 102-102-355100
(K. Zebraski)
3.   Approval of ongoing Software Maintenance and Technical Support Agreement with CarteGraph for the Public Works Department in the amount of $17,200.00.  Approval of advance payment and as a sole source provider for reasons stated is also requested.
Funding Source:101-3701-546100
(B. Johns)
4.   Approval of FY 2009 State Homeland Security Grant Program Issue #7, award amount $72,000.00, to perform activities consistent with the Department of Homeland Security State Strategy.
(B. Johns)
5.   Approval to post notice of intent and to award Bid # 09/10-11, Micro-Surfacing to Asphalt Paving Systems, to provide micro-surfacing on roadway surfaces.  Approval will be effective after 72-hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received.  Submittals are available for review in the Purchasing Department.
Funding Source: 101-3701-546100 & 305-27-563000
(K. Thomas)
6.   Approval, pending legal review, of supplemental agreement with Florida Roads Contracting, Inc. for the CR 209 @ CR 315B Intersection improvements project in the amount of $40,983.56.
Funding Source: 305-17-563000
(K. Thomas)


7.   Discussion regarding FY 2009/2010 TDC Funding of Thrasher-Horner Center For The Arts.
(F. Behring)