Provo City

Planning Commission Agenda - April 25, 2012

Planning Commission Agenda
April 25, 2012


The Provo City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 25, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers of the Provo City Center, located at 351 West Center Street. The items listed below will be discussed, and anyone interested is invited to attend and provide comment. Preceding the public hearing, a briefing will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the Community Development Conference Room, located at 330 West 100 South. The briefing is open to the public; however, formal presentation of items, public comment and actions will be reserved for the public hearing at 5:00 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers.

Public Hearings

ITEM 1* Brian Snelson requests a General Plan Map Amendment changing the designation from R (Residential) to C (Commercial) for property located at 4878 N. University Ave. Riverbottoms Neighborhood 10-0001GPA This item was continued from the April 11th and March 28th Meetings.
 Staff Report - Item 1*

ITEM 2* Triumph Partners requests text amendments to the Downtown D1 Zone, including the following: Amendment to 14.21A.110 Facade Step-Back, the request is to reduce the 60 foot step back requirement on the fourth through sixth floors of buildings fronting Center Street between University Avenue and 100 East, and amendment to 14.21A.090 Average Residential Unit Size, the request is to eliminate the 800 square foot minimum average unit size for buildings fronting Center Street between University Avenue and 100 East in the Downtown D1 Zone. The Staff recommendation is to expand the requests to consider amending the Facade Step-Back requirement for all properties fronting Center Street, between 600 West and 200 East Streets, and to amend the Average Unit Size requirement for all properties in the Downtown D1 and D2 Zones. Central Business District and Joaquin Neighborhoods. 12-0003OA
 Staff Report - Item 2*

Items noted on this agenda with a star (*) require a public hearing and legislative action by the Municipal Council. The Council hearing dates will be noticed 14 days prior to the Council meeting in the legal notices of the Daily Herald. Council agendas can be viewed at the Provo City Council web site on the Thursday prior to the Council meeting at For more information, call (801) 852-6120.

Copies of the agenda materials, public hearing procedure, and staff recommendations are available the week of the hearing at reasonable cost in the Community Development office between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Agendas and staff recommendations are also generally available on the Provo City Community Development web site the week of the meeting at (click on Planning Commission).

By order of the Provo City Planning Commission
Published in “The Daily Herald”
Shannon Aders, Secretary, (801) 852-6424

This article comes from Provo City

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