Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
July 20, 2009


Items Submitted for Approval:

1.   Approval of Agreement with the Department of Corrections to provide for inmate labor work squads to augment the Clay County Public Works labor force for one year, in the amount of $56,467. 
Funding Source: 101-3701-531000 
(B. Johns)
2.   Approval to post notice of intent and to award Bid #08/09-29 Cold Bituminous Asphalt Patching Mix to the second lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Duval Asphalt, since the lowest bidder does not meet bid specifications. Approval will be effective after the 72-hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received. 
Funding Source: 101-3701-553000 
(D. Fish)
3.   Approval of Developer Agreement with the Clay County Utility Authority in the amount of $28,736.66 to pay for water and sewer hookups at the new Clay County Emergency Services Complex.  Additionally, approval for advanced payment and sole source procurement is also being requested.
Funding Source: 305-6009-562000  
(B. Johns)
4.   Approval of Agreement with Emergency Pregnancy Services of Jacksonville, Inc. in an amount up to $5,000 from the unencumbered proceeds received by the County through the Choose Life License plate funds.  This will facilitate services to Clay County women who are placing their children for adoption.  Approval is contingent upon approval of the FY09/10 Budget.
Funding Source: 120-3320-549100 
(B. Johns)

Items Submitted for Discussion:

5.   Presentation by the Clay County Sheriff's Office. 
(S. Kraus)