Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
August 17, 2009; 2:00 p.m.



1.   Approval of agreement with Sirsi/Dynix in the amount of $27,347.43 for hardware and software maintenance and support for the Library Division’s automated systems.  Advance payment and approval as a sole source is also being requested for reasons stated.  Payment of this agreement is to occur from grant funds.
Funding Source:  001-3301-546100
(B. Johns)
2.   Approval of agreement with Clay Today (Journal Community Publishing Group) for amounts stated to publish legal ads and the Delinquent Tax Roll through the 2011 tax year.
(B. Johns)
3.   Approval of RFP No. 08/09-37, Economic Impact/Tourism Feasibility Study. Staff’s evaluations of the submittals are attached hereto for consideration. The Board has the option to require presentations if so desired. Proposals are available for review in the Purchasing Department.
Funding Source: 109-1910-531000
(D. Fish)