Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
September 15, 2009; 2:00 p.m.



1.   Approval to apply for FY09/10 State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, CERT Grant.
(J. Corbin)
2.   Approval of Budget Transfer Request #09-238 in the amount of $38,000.00 to provide sufficient funds for Health Insurance for the Clay County Sheriff's Office through the end of FY08/09. This transfer request is between cost centers, but within the same fund.
Funding Source: 102-1204-563000
(K. Zebraski)
3.   Approval to post notice of intent and to award Bid #08/09-36, Elevator Repair, Inspection & Maintenance, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Mowrey Elevator Company. Approval will be effective after 72 hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received.
Funding Source: 001-102-546100
(D. Fish)
4.   Approval of Agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Health for the operation of the Clay County Health Department for FY09/10, in the amount of $996,137.00, pending approval of the FY09/10 budget. This agreement is being submitted pending review by the Legal and Finance Department.
Funding Source: 001-0108-549100
(B. Johns)
5.   Approval of First Renewal to Agreement #07/08-1 with Atlantic Coast Asphalt, at the same pricing as last year for a basis to supply Asphalt Products and Services to the Public Works Department for FY09/10. The amount of the contract will be determined by the amount used by the Public Works Department.
Funding Source: 101-3701-Various
(B. Johns)
6.   Approval of Agreement with Fred Fox Enterprises for consulting services in connection with grant writing. This agreement is a result of RFP 08/09-28. The amount of payment for services will be determined by the scope of each project and will be paid through work orders approved by the County Manager. This item is submitted for approval pending legal review.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
7.   Approval of First Renewal to Agreement with Swagit Productions, LLC, for continuation of Video Streaming of meetings at the same level of funding as last year.
Funding Source: 001-0107-531000
(B. Johns)

Approval of First Amendment to Agreement with the City of Green Cove Springs for the operation of the Thomas Hogan Gym.
Funding Source: 001-2505-581100
(B. Johns)

9.   (a) Requesting approval for the renewal of the County's Property & Casualty insurance as per the attachment, reflecting increased deductibles effective October 1, 2009 and commensurate reduced premiums.
Funding Source 001-0105-545000
(A. Delaparte)

(b) Requesting approval for renewal of the County's Workers' Compensation Excess insurance coverage per attached recommendations, effective October 1, 2009 reflecting increased retention and reduced premiums.
Funding Source 001-0105-524000
(A. Delaparte)
10.   Discussion of funding request in the amount of $30,000.00 for Augusta Savage Arts & Community Center.
(F. Behring)