2nd Annual International Students Welcome
Information from administration
Presentation by applicant
Presentations by members of gallery
Resolution on granting of permit
B1. Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100241 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)
APPLICANT: Dennis Cypihot
LOCATION: 3016 Charella Place
Location and Existing Zoning Map
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Information from administration
Presentation by applicant
Presentations by members of gallery
Resolution on granting of permit
B2. Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100242 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)
APPLICANT: Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
LOCATION: 2068 and 2166 Pulpmill Road
Location and Existing Zoning Map
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Information from administration
Presentation by applicant
Presentations by members of gallery
Resolution on granting of permit
B3. Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100243 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)
APPLICANT: Western Industrial Contractors Ltd for the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
LOCATION: 6995 Dagg Road
Location and Existing Zoning Map
1. Information from administration
2. Presentation by applicant
3. Presentations by members of gallery
4. Closure of hearing
5. Third reading of bylaw (if
C1. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100392 (For Information Only)
APPLICANT: Rhonda Seaward
LOCATION: 6885 Domano Boulevard
Location and Existing
Zoning Map
8373 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8373, 2011 (3rd
D1. Regular Council Meeting held August 22, 2011
E1. Downtown Incentives Program Partnering Agreement Addendum
E2. Northern Development Initiative Trust Overview
E3. Signing Authority for City Accounts
E4. Event Hosting Strategy and Action Plan
- Advanced Sport Tourism Workshop Report
E5. Proposed Downtown Revitalization Development Permit Guidelines
- Downtown Development Permit Area Guidelines
E6. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: Shannon Welder for Cheryl Holmgren and Norman Almack
LOCATION: 361 Corless Crescent
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E7. 8368 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8368, 2011 (1st 2Readings)
E8. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: City of Prince George
LOCATION: Text Amendment
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E9. 8380 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8380, 2011 (1st 2Readings)
E10. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100387 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering for 911408 BC Ltd.
LOCATION: 5877 Leslie Road
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E11. 8362 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8362, 2011 (1st 2Readings)
E12. Pedestrian Crossing at 18th Avenue and Soccer Fields
F1. 8343 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8343, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd. for BBK Holdings Inc.
LOCATION: 2602 and 2614 Petersen Road
F2. 8359 - City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7281, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 8359, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
F3. 8313 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8313, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd.
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
G1. Notice of Motion from Councillor Skakun - Reporting of Financial Transactions to the Public