Budget / Finance Committee Agenda
October 5, 2009; 2:00 p.m.



1.   Approval to award Bid No. 08/09-34, Neighborhood Stabilization Program CDBG Housing Acquisition and Other Related Services, as such utilizing:
A) Esquire Title and Trust, Inc. for the Title and Closing Services
B) GLE and LAN Associates for the Environmental Site Assessment Services
C) Aerostar for the Mold Inspection Services
D) Environmental Services for the Radon Gas Inspection Services and Lead Inspection Services
E) Enviropro for the Chinese Drywall Inspection Services
Proposals are available for review in the Purchasing Department.
Funding Source: Grant Funds
(B. Taylor)
2.   Approval of Agreement with Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. for Continuing Survey and Mapping Services, for an amount to be determined at the time services are rendered. This agreement is the result of RFQ #08/09-33, Neighborhood Stabilization Program Surveying Services.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
3.   Approval of Agreement with Beck Disaster Recovery for Professional Consulting Services relating to debris monitoring and management for a term of 5 years, per RFP #08/09-23. The agreement is to be used in the event of any disaster that might occur in an amount to be determined at that time, using the attached rate schedule (Exhibit B).
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
4.   Approval of Agreement with Crowder-Gulf for Debris Removal Services for a term of five (5) years, per RFP #08/09-24. The agreement is to be used in the event of any disaster that might occur in an amount to be determined at that time.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
5.   Approval of Agreement with Wood Resource Recovery for Debris Removal Services for a term of five (5) years, per RFP #08/09-24. The agreement is to be used in the event of any disaster that might occur in an amount to be determined at that time.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
6.   Approval of Agreement with TAG Grinding for Debris Removal Services for a term of five (5) years, per RFP #08/09-24. The agreement is to be used in the event of any disaster that might occur in an amount to be determined at that time.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
7.   Approval of Agreement for FY 09/10 funding in the amount of $60,000.00 for Clay Baker Kids Net, Inc.
Funding Source: 001-2505-582700
(B. Johns)
8.   Approval of Agreement for FY 09/10 funding in the amount of $19,663.00 for the Police Activities League. This is a slight decrease from last year’s amount of $20,000.00.
Funding Source: 001-2505-582600
(B. Johns)
9.   Approval of Agreement with Clay County Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Division, for FY 09/10 funding in the amount of $50,000.00. This agreement is to facilitate economic development services to Clay County.
Funding Source: 001-0100-534000
(B. Johns)
10.   Approval of Agreement for FY 09/10 funding (required by Florida Statute) in the amount of $140,619.00 for Jacksonville Area Legal Aid for their services to the low income residents of Clay County. This is a slight increase over last year’s contract price of $138,540.00.
Funding Source: 115-2701-534000
(B. Johns)
11.   Approval of Lease Agreement with Middleburg Historic Museum for the use of their facility in Middleburg in the amount of $1.00 per year.
(B. Johns)
12.   Approval of funding for the Episcopal Children’s Services for FY 09/10 in the amount of $120,000.00 for Subsidized Child Care Program.
Funding Source: 001-2505-582500
(B. Johns)
13.   Approval of Federally-Funded Public Assistance Agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, for reimbursement of an amount to be determined, but not to exceed $64,200.00, from FEMA for costs associated with the flood event in May of 2009.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
14.   Approval of Agreement with Orange Park Medical Center Linen Services to provide linen packs for rescue units at a price of $1.57 per pack. This is a per-pack decrease of 8 cents over last year.
Funding Source: 001-2101-552000
(B. Johns)
15.   Approval of Emergency Management Preparedness Assistance Grant with the State of Florida in the amount of $102,724.00.
(B. Johns)
16.   Approval of reimbursable grant agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, for retrofitting Lake Asbury Elementary School, Building #5, for use as a shelter. The agreement is in the amount of $43,863.00.
Funding Source: To Be Determined
(B. Johns)
17.   Approval of Resolution Authorizing Participation in a Regional Planning Assistance Program for FY 2009/2010 in the amount of $75,704.04.
Funding Source: 001-0100-554000
(F. Behring)
18.   Approval of changes to the list of designated purchasing agents appointed and approved by the County Manager to submit requisitions and make purchases in accordance with the provisions of the purchasing policy. Per the Purchasing Policy this list is to be updated when changes are made thereto.
(K. Thomas)
19.   Approval to post notice of intent to award Bid No. 08/09-40, Orange Park Library Roof Replacement Project, to the most responsive and responsible bidder, T & G Constructors, Inc., in the amount of $238.000.00. Approval will be effective after 72 hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received.
Funding Source: Grant Funds
(K. Thomas)
20.   Approval of AK Associates as a sole source provider for all purchases related to the County’s E911 System. AK Associates provides turnkey projects including installation, engineering, programming, and maintaining the County’s E911 system. Additional Sole Source documentation provided within.
Funding Source: Various
(K. Thomas)