November 23, 2010
 2:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Travis Cummings

INVOCATION -  Commissioner Ronnie Robinson
PLEDGE - Commissioner Wendell Davis

ARTWORK - Wilkinson Junior High School   


1.   BCC Meeting of November 9, 2010  
2.   Approval of First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement-OakLeaf Plantation Community Park.  
3.   Approval of Budget Amendment #11-023 & Resolution in the amount of $111,203.70 to record unanticipated revenue for the sewer and concession stand enhancements of the Oakleaf Commuity Park Project. The Middle Village and Double Branch CDDs have agreed to contribute $111,203.70 immediately following the execution of the First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement-OakLeaf Plantation Community Park. The total funding for the project is up to, but not exceeding $122,000.00. This budget amendment is contingent upon approval of the agreement amendment presented for approval at same Board meeting. Funding Source:001-001-366000  
4.   Approval of Agreement with the Clay County Utility Authority in the amount of $45,113.92 for hookup of wastewater service to the concession stand facility at the Oakleaf Community Park. Approval of advance payment and designation as a sole source vendor is also requested.  Funding Source:  001-3201B-563000  
5.   Approval of Supplement and First Amendment to Agreement #09/10-114 with D. R. Swanson in the amount of $66,089.78 for modifications and enhancements to the concession stand facility at the Oakleaf Community Park.
Funding Source: 001-3201B-563000
6.   Approval of Agreements with Property Appraiser and Tax Collector defining responsibilities and for reimbursement of expenses associated with the Clifford Lane Municipal Service Benefit Unit.
7.   Approval of application for temporary closing of SR-21 for the Middleburg Lighted Christmas Parade.  
8.   Approval of Satisfaction of Mortgage for Harish C. & Hina H. Shah.  
9.   Approval of Agreement with Physio-Control in the amount of $36,255.00 for technical service and maintenance on all Life Packs for Public Safety Department. Staff also requests approval of advance payment and designation as a sole source vendor for reasons stated. Funding Source: 001-2101-534000 - Contractual Services  
10.   Finance Department Business
The Finance Department business is submitted to request approval and ratification by the Board for various warrants and disbursements in order to meet the requirements of Ch. 136.06 (1), Fl Statute. Acceptance and disposal of various Board property and various documents are submitted for the Board's information. At times, approval is requested for various finance related issues.
11.   Budget/Finance Committee Report of November 15, 2010 (Comm. Cummings)  
12.   Policy, Rules and Human Services Committee Report of November 15, 2010 (Comm. Robinson)  

OLD BUSINESS - No Business   


13.   Reorganization of BCC  
14.   Appointment of Joe Anzalone to the Planning Commission, District 2  
15.   Discussion on Community Wildfire Protection Plan (Comm. Stewart)  
16.   Discussion on expiration of Impact Fees Moratorium  
17.   Discussion on enforcement of regulations within existing homeowner associations  
18.   Discussion regarding the Landfill RFP Process  
19.   Discussion on the Amendment and Extension of Agreement/Contract #05/06-128A with Waste Management, Inc. of Florida for Waste Management Transfer and Disposal Services, to extend the termination date to September 30, 2016. Funding Source: 401-3802-534600, Temp Labor/Bill/Coll/Mgmt
20.   Discussion and approval of resolutions needed to proceed with condemnation for some of the parcels of right of way required for the Henley Road Improvements  
21.   Public Hearing on Annual Updates of Capital Improvement Element (Adoption of updated tables supporting the five-year schedule of Capital Improvements of the Clay County 2025 Comprehensive Plan)
22.   Public Hearing on Transmittal of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 10-2  
23.   Public Hearing to Consider Revision to Article III Relating to Side Setbacks within the AR Zoning District  
24.   Public Hearing on Rezoning Application Z-10-16 for 2001 Kingsley Ave. from BA (Neighborhood Business District), BA-2 (Commercial and Professional Office District), PS-3 (Private Services District), BB (Intermediate Business District), BB-1 (Light Intermediate Business District) and RE (Single Family Residential District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development).  
25.   Public Hearing on Rezoning application Z-10-18 from RB (Single Family Residential) to PS-2 (Private Services).  
26.   Public Hearing on Rezoning Application Z-10-19 for 3272 Peoria Rd from AR (Agricultural Residential) to PS-2 (Private Services).  

- No Business         

27.   Cooper Murphy, Resignation from LAMSBD  
LETTERS/DOCUMENTATION (For Information/For the Record)
28.   Planning Commission Minutes (Draft) for November 2, 2010.  
29.   Bid Opening Tabulations for November 16, 2010

A. RFQ No. 10/11-1, Professional Engineering Continuing Services Agreement for Construction Engineering Inspection Services

B. RFQ No. 10/11-3, Contractor Prequalification for Construction of the Green Cove Springs Senior Center



Note: If any person decides to appeal any final decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286-0105). Individuals with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the County Manager at least three (3) working days in advance of the meeting date and time at (904) 284-6347.

In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, any person needing a special accommodation to participate in this matter should contact the Clay County ADA Coordinator by mail at Post Office Box 1366, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, or by telephone number (904) 269-6376, no later than three (3) days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given. Hearing impaired persons can access the foregoing telephone number by contacting the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770 (Voice) or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).