December 14, 2010
 2:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Travis Cummings

INVOCATION -  Commissioner Chereese Stewart
PLEDGE - Commissioner  Doug Conkey

1.   Plaque to Chairman Cummings for 09/10 year as Chairman  


2.   BCC Meeting of November 23, 2010  
3.   Approval of report and recommendation regarding civil action against Clay County (Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Johnny M. Willis, et al., Clay County Circuit Court Case No. 10-2465-CA)
4.   Approval of report and recommendation regarding civil action against Clay County (U.S. Bank, N.A. v. Shana C. Benton, et al., Clay County Circuit Court Case No. 2010-2404-CA)
5.   Approval of report and recommendation regarding civil action against Clay County (Citimortgage, Inc. v. Cleon L. Johnson, et al., Clay County Circuit Court Case No. 2010-2427-CA)
6.   Approval of Lovett Road Right-of-Way Map  
7.   Approval of Agreement with R. G. White Construction for restoration of the Big Cabin at Camp Chowenwaw in the amount of $407,600.00. This contract is the result of Bid No. 09/10-27.
Funding Source: 305-98-562000
8.   Approval of two Agreements with AT&T for installation of T1 lines at the new EOC. Each Agreement has a $1,320 non recurring installation charge and $252.00 monthly recurring charge. Staff also requests approval of the contracts as presented and without the customary Standard Addendum to all contracts for reasons stated in attached emails from AT&T representative Chris Wadley. Approval is also requested for advance payment of the nonrecurring charges.
Funding Source: 2108-541100

9.   Acceptance of Drainage Easement at Parcel 11 of Duckwater Woods in the Blue Jay Subdivision  
10.   Final Plat Acceptance - Winston Relaford  
11.   Approval of Satisfaction of Mortgage for Kapembe-Nkorina.  
12.   Approval of a Resolution in support of establishment of a therapeutic riding center  
13.   Approval of Resolution Supporting Efforts of the Historical Commission in its Application to the 2012 Small Matching Historic Preservation Grant Program for the "Frosard W. Budington House (Gabled-Ell) Repair Project."  
14.   Finance Department Business
The Finance Department business is submitted to request approval and ratification by the Board for various warrants and disbursements in order to meet the requirements of Ch. 136.06 (1), Fl Statute. Acceptance and disposal of various Board property and various documents are submitted for the Board's information. At times, approval is requested for various finance related issues
15.   Budget/Finance Committee Report of December 6, 2010 (Comm. Davis)  
16.   Policy, Rules and Human Services Committee Report of December 6, 2010 (Comm. Robinson)  
17.   Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Report of December 6, 2010 (Comm. Conkey)  

OLD BUSINESS - No Business

18.   Discussion Regarding Implementation of Elimination of Driveway and Culvert Replacement - (Comm. Stewart)  
19.   Public hearing on the adoption of a Resolution of Intent to utilize the uniform method of collecting certain non-ad valorem assessments to be levied by the Board within the portion of the Middleburg area of Clay County, Florida, served by the Black Creek Hills Water Treatment Plant to fund the costs associated with extending the potable water service lines of the Clay County Utility Authority to said water treatment plant's distribution system  
20.   Public Hearing on the renewal of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity.
21.   Public Hearing on the adoption of an Ordinance extending the moratorium on the collection of transportation impact fees.  
22.   Discussion regarding a CIP Revenue Study Commission (Comm. Cummings)  

23.   Discussion of proposed Interlocal Agreement between the County and the Clay County Utility Authority regarding the Black Creek Hills Subdivision water utility. (Scruby)  
24.   Discussion regarding the Second Amendment to the Eligible Governmental Employer Deferred Compensation Plan of the Board of County Commissioners of Clay County, Florida (The Hartford Plan)  


25.   3:00    Presentation by Steve Grossman, JAA Executive Director  
26.   3:20    Presentation by Tim Bowen of Haven Hospice  
27.   Faye Irvin, Re:  Resignation from Historical Commission  

LETTERS/DOCUMENTATION (For Information/For the Record)
28.   Draft Planning Commission minutes for December 7, 2010  
29.   Bid Opening Tabulations for December 7, 2010

A. Bid No. 10/11-2, County Road 209 North Cross Drain Improvements



Note: If any person decides to appeal any final decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286-0105). Individuals with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the County Manager at least three (3) working days in advance of the meeting date and time at (904) 284-6347.

In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, any person needing a special accommodation to participate in this matter should contact the Clay County ADA Coordinator by mail at Post Office Box 1366, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, or by telephone number (904) 269-6376, no later than three (3) days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given. Hearing impaired persons can access the foregoing telephone number by contacting the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770 (Voice) or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).